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We want new information, pictures, news of events involving Anzani equipment, almost anything really… If you want information let us know. Be warned there are several topics that come under the FAQ title which we probably wont be able to help you with but we’re happy to try.

If you want to use any of our material

No problem. Just let us know what you want to use and where it will be used. Be aware though we do not appreciate finding our material being used for commercial purposes. If you do use anything off of our site a return link back to the site or a note of appreciation would be nice!

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If you spot anything we have wrong please let us know - we aren’t proud! Any additional information or explanation is always welcome. Please get in touch and we’ll respond immediately.
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british anzani archive:
BA in the USA. We hope to bring more to the site shortly with regard to US sales This contemporary postcard shows Bleriot's plane on display at the then new Selfridges store in London